About Tom Maramaros

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About Tom Maramaros

This is the main page of the section where you provide biographical information, links to your past, present and future plans, your resume, photo album and perhaps more information about your site.

To determine what to say, you need to ask yourself several questions. What are you trying to convey with this page? What information about you do you want people to read about? Do you want to include images of yourself and or your family? The about page can be as formal or as informal as you like. You can include subjects such as hobbies, interests, favorite foods and or places to visit. These "subjects" can be used as subtitles and further content can be added as necessary.

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This page was last updated on 05/12/2000

This site is maintained by tom.maramaros@easynet.co.uk                   Material Copyright © 2000 Tom Maramaros