12 Fosse Way

West Ealing


W13 0BZ

Phone 020-8991-9236

Mobile 07961-170-580

E-mail tom.maramaros@easynet.co.uk


Tom Maramaros

Personal information


Date of Birth - 11/7/48

Martial Status - married

Dependants - 2

Nationality - British

Driving Licence Full - No Endorsements


Preferred Location London/West London & Home Counties


Education                                                                              Language


8 O-levels                                                                              Polish - fluent, bi-lingual

1 A-level

Diploma in Professional Photography




Synon: Fundamentals                                                       Building Websites & Intranets

            Design to Construction 1 & 2 RPG 400 Training

            Action Diagrams                                                               Access

            Designing Application Reports                  PowerPoint

Cobol                                                                                     FrontPage

Selcopy                                                                                  Business Planning

Rumba Office                                                       


WordPerfect 8





IBM Mainframe, IBM Mid-range & IBM PC



Cool 2e (Synon 2e), Cobol, Easytrieve, RPG 400, Selcopy, VSAM, DL1, Vollie, WordPerfect, Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Rumba Office, GroupWise, Pinpoint, Visio, Internet Explorer and ACF2




Present Time  - Now till June 1999


I have been looking for better position but in the mean while I have been doing courses in Microsoft Access, PowerPoint and FrontPage. Lately I have been concentrating on web design. During this time have been more involved in running my Social Club. The Social Club is a business where I am the secretary and I manage all the staff employed. I also oversee all the financial and management decisions. All major projects I am involved with, by putting to tender and seeing the work through. 




Nippon Express - April 1999 till June 1999


I was employed by Nippon Express as a Cobol programmer to be trained in RPG. I was trained by the Assistant Manager to use RPG. This involved me rewriting programmes written in IBM AS400 Utilises like DFU. The new programmes had to have data checks and security checks to make sure the operator is authorised to update the date. These programmes had to create, update, view and delete the records and also varies flags to show the status of the records. I was involved with users support and had to amend existing programmes, to make the programme user friendly and wrote programmes with print selections, e.g. to include deleted records or not.  I left Nippon Express at the end of June 1999.


I would like to do more analyst work because I have much experience in programming and therefore would prefer to develop my analyst skills using either Easytrieve or the AS400.


London Borough of Ealing - December 1974 till 31st March 1999


 I joined the London Borough of Ealing in 1974 and held various positions of responsibility, in 1985 I joined the IT Department as a junior programmer and progressed to Programme/Analyst, using mainly Easytrieve and DL1, I then progressed to Cobol and Selcopy. In January 1996 I was retrained in Synon. I support applications used by the Council to enhance and develop new and existing applications. I undertook the analysis of requirements for application enhancements and the production of feasibility studies, project plans and schedules, under the guidance of the Senior Programmer/Analyst and liased with customer department staff to find out their requirements. I developed and maintained application computer programs. The work was carried out according to a SLA. Always the customer was informed of the progress and any faults. I would provide ad hoc reports for users and customers when requested.


I developed and maintained applications using SYNON, QUERY and some CL on the AS400, to standards set by IT Systems. For mainframe applications I have used COBOL, EASYTRIEVE, SELCOPY and varies IBM utilities. Prepared and executed test plans, data and associated utilities. Provided support with the customer during the testing and liase with Systems staff on interfaces, technical issues, testing facilities and operational acceptance. Prepared programs, system and user documentation using WORDPERFECT, WORD, EXCEL and VISIO, all on the PC. PINPOINT was used for the analysis of data. For Groupware on the PC I have been using Novell GROUPWISE. For connectivity between the AS/400 and the mainframe, I used RUMBA OFFICE; also I use RUMBA for transferring data from the AS/400 to the PC and visa versa.


I carried out testing and installation of new releases of software and updated systems and customer documentation. I installed new packages and transferred data from the mainframe to the AS/400 in the file format of the application. At times, I would be required to train users and trainees, showing them how to use the applications.


To maintain application efficiency I had to check files and data to reorganise were necessary. Archive data for historical and legal purposes.


Projects that I have been involved with on the Mainframe: -


Rents - money debited and collected from tenants, including many reports.

Housing Maintenance - repairs to dwellings, repair orders

Housing Information - a database of all information on the Housing Stock, size, when built, details on the property.


AS400 projects were: -


Legal - conveyancing.

Services Charges - debiting and collection of charges from lessees.

Residential Homes - debiting and collecting a charge from residences in a Home.

Approved Listing - information on all companies that apply for tenders.


The Housing Information system I was involved with to a large extent. In the beginning I had to collect all the data what the department would want for others systems and for questionnaires, like D.o.E. and other agencies. When all information was placed in the database, I had to keep the data up-to-date and add any new data. I had keep verifying the data to make sure it was accurate.


The Rents system I helped to convert from the Mainframe to the AS400. The conversion was all transferred by putting all the data into the AS400 file format, so that no work had to be done on the AS400 files.


On the Legal system I had to add a new database file. Approved List system I had to rewrite many of the reports and add lots of new reports as the system was developed in alive situation. Service Charges and Residential Homes were mainly support.


I was made redundant from Ealing Borough of Ealing on 31st March 1999.




Nippon Express                     - April 1999 till June 1999 (Programmer training in RPG)

London Borough of Ealing    - Dec 1974 till March 1999 (Programmer/Analyst)


Hobbies & Interests


I am the secretary of my local social club. I administer the community centre, employ staff and organise many social events for the club. I am also a fully certificated first aider as a member of St John Ambulance, covering many events in London and the Home Counties.


I also have a passion for music and photography.




Mr Animesh Mukherjee                                                                             Mr Craig Tompson

Customer Services Manager                                                                Nippon Express 

London Borough of Ealing                                                                Unit 7

Perceval House                                                                                    Parkway Trading Estate

14-16 Uxbridge Road                                                                       Cranford Lane      

Ealing                                                                                                     Heston

London                                                                                                  Hounslow

W5 2HL                                                                                                 Middlesex

Telephone: (020)-8758-8019                                                               TW5 9NE

Fax:             (020)-8758-5831                                                               Telephone :  (020)-8737-4330

                                                                                                                Fax:              (020)-8737-4339